We hope you are doing well! It seems like a lot of people have been getting sick lately, so we thought this would be the perfect time to learn some health and sickness-related phrasal verbs. Whether you are describing a nasty cold, recovering from the flu, or bouncing back from an illness, using the right phrasal verbs can make your English sound much more natural.
So, let’s dive into some essential health-related phrasal verbs that will take your vocabulary up a notch!
Essential phrasal verbs for health & sickness
🤒 Come down with = to start feeling ill
e.g. I think I’m coming down with a cold, my throat feels sore.
🥊 Fight off = to try to recover from an illness
e.g. I’ve been fighting off the flu all week, but I still feel awful.
😷 Shake off = to recover from an illness
e.g. I can’t seem to shake off this cough, it’s been weeks!
🤢 Throw up = to vomit
e.g. I felt so nauseous after eating that seafood, I nearly threw up!
⚡ Burn out = to become completely exhausted
e.g. If you don’t take a break, you’re going to burn out.
Next time you are feeling under the weather (hopefully not too soon!), try using these phrasal verbs in conversation. And if you want to master more natural English expressions, our classes at The English Life Academy will help you sound like a pro.
👉 Join our upcoming lessons on phrasal verbs and everyday English. Sign up today!
All the best and we hope to meet you in class!
Benjamin & Cami